EXCiPACT Audit Report Survey – Good News!
One of the most important outputs of the EXCiPACT certification scheme is the supplier audit report. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, the EXCiPACT Management Body commissioned a survey across (14) audit reports randomly selected, conducted by 13 different auditors covering on site, remote and hybrid audit types across Europe, China, India, and USA.
The main conclusions commented on the consistent ranking of observations, and the classifications of deviations. Audits showed good coverage of the elements of the quality system as required by the EXCiPACT standards and final certification recommendations reflected the contents of the reports.
Other improvements were recommended to improve traceability of documents reviewed in the audit to support the integrity of reports, accurately referencing records and where text has been extracted.
Overall, the survey concluded that the key work product of EXCiPACT is good shape!
To support addressing some of the comments, EXCiPACT will investigate how it can share a model report demonstrating ‘what good looks like’. Key points were included in the 2022 EXCiPACT Auditor Continuous Professional Development training.
For more details, please contact info@excipact.org.